I’ve trained with Matthew Reid for 5 years now, initially losing about 20kg, but now I do it for other benefits. I feel better, I’m able to work harder and I’m much healthier. In fact last year I did my second City to Surf and easily beat my earlier time-  from 1982!

I made a conscious decision to eat what I like, and exercise to keep myself a little trimmer. So I never deny myself treats if I want them. Consequently my diet is ridiculously bad, but that is not Matt’s problem.

Why write about it in a work blog? Matt has done a lot for me and I think if you want a great personal trainer who will get results, you could do no better. Be prepared to work hard and feel great!

Give him a call on 0403 067 629. If you start now you’ll be in sleeveless tops by summer. Then you’ll have to invest in some ‘tough stickers’ (tattoos) to finish the image. Or maybe not.
