As of 1 December 2019, Apple Business Manager replaces the Device Enrolment Program. So let’s enrol in ABM- this document assumes you aren’t upgrading. For those currently in DEP, the upgrade guide is here-

Here is the guide for enrolling in Apple Business Manager-

Here is a list of the components you need for this-

Apple Customer Number
 If you purchase hardware or software directly from Apple, you’ll receive an  account number assigned to your organization. This number is required to connect eligible orders and devices to your DEP account. If you don’t know the number, contact your purchasing agent or finance department. Your organisation might have multiple Apple Customer Numbers, which you can add during enrolment or on the DEP website once you’re approved. Record this somewhere, you’ll need it again

DUNS Number
Australian companies can look up their DUNS number at Illion here-
This MUST match the company details that you submit for ABM, Apple will not let you proceed if the details don’t match. Won’t hurt to have a copy of this either…

Reseller ID
If you buy from a reseller make sure they have a Reseller ID. Record it somewhere so you can access it again! You must also make sure that when you order from that reseller you also ask that the items be enrolled in DEP, you can’t assume they will do it automatically

So, What Do I Need to do?
Go to and set up a new AppleID for this account
This AppleID needs to be a company address on your domain, but consider making a special one or an alias and NOT using someones personal address in case they leave. You could call it or
This also makes sense because you CAN’T re-use an email that has already been used for iTunes or an AppleID previously.
The name associated with the account however, can’t be generic like ‘IT Coordinator’ because it will be rejected.
You’ll also need to supply details of someone in the company who can act as the ‘verification contact’. This is someone who can verify that you are legally allowed to act for the company and accept Apple’s Terms and Conditions etc.

You should then get an email to that address saying ‘Your enrolment is in review’

The review is a manual process and don’t be surprised if you/ the verification contact gets a phone call to verify details.
The verification contact will get an email that they need to action, verifying that you are authorised.

Once approved there’s a few more boxes to tick and agreements to flick through, er read, and then-

Once Enrolled
Add your administrators- you should always have 2 people in your company registered as administrators, and then you should add your IT people. If that’s Servicemax, we’ll help you!
Once we have access we can link your MDM, assign devices and set them up for you

It’s a lot of work, but it only needs to be done once. And yes- final reminder- record all of these numbers and keep them safe!