As of 1 December 2019, Apple Business Manager replaces the Device Enrolment Program. So let’s enrol in ABM- this document assumes you aren’t upgrading. For those currently in DEP, the upgrade guide is here- Here is the guide for enrolling in Apple Business Manager- Here is a list of the components you need for this- Apple Customer Number If you
7 November 2020- Updated to include Portainer 2.021 September 2021- updated to use new variables for DNS This is a pretty long article so here’s a list of contents- Installing Portainer Start Your Portainer Set up MACVLAN Network for Pi-Hole Create Pi-Hole container Upgrading Pi-Hole Upgrading Portainer Docker communications issues? The post with a similar title called ‘the
We like Macs, but there are some er, less desirable models in the line up- so If you’re buying a new Mac this year, what specs to recommend? This post was originally written in March 2017, and since then Apple has updated pretty much everything- I have updated each of the categories with new recommendations as needed. All prices lifted directly
This article came about because of a series of FaceBook posts that I wrote to try to help my friends working from home entitled ‘Why Is My WiFi Sh!t?’ Hopefully it helps some people… If you want help, please fill out the form here and we’ll get back to you asap Here are a few possible reasons your WiFi might
Often when you buy a new computer we would come onsite, transfer the data, check the apps and leave. In this brave new world of disease, we’ve had to develop a better way, and it goes like this – WORK WITH YOUR IT PERSON- can’t stress this enough- it’s pretty painless when done in the right sequence Buy a fast
This article was inspired by a ticket we received yesterday – the client has a 1000mbps fibre internet connection at their office, but he was experiencing really slow access to the server from home. Let’s find out why… Scenario 1At the office there’s a Synology NAS, let’s assume it has a 10Gbps ethernet connection and the client computers are connected
This is a follow up of a previous post updated for Raspian Buster and without any of the stuff that ultimately didn’t work, I hope you like it! It will be a simple page that uses plugins for all of the resources, displaying a web page that I have running on WordPress on one of my Synology NAS boxen. I
Quick article to help you decide what to do- how to organise your staff and set standards for home working. It all comes down to the decisions below- Take a work computer homePositives- it has all the data you need apart from stuff on the server, it’s set up exactly the way you likeNegatives- risk of getting busted during transport,
This post was inspired by a post in a Ubiquiti forum on FaceBook about whether you should have a single cloud hosted controller or a Cloud Key per site. I use one per site as it gives me a lot of flexibility, allows the client to move on if they no longer use my services and can be upgraded independently
The Un-Disaster Mac People