Tag: Telstra


Mobile Phone Data Usage

This is a simple post with a few methods of getting the data usage of your mobile account on your iPhone- handy if you have a low limit! Please remember this information is iPhone specific, and if you know something I don’t, please message me and I’ll update the article. And don’t forget your iPhone has a built in usage

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Which Carrier has the Best Speed & Coverage in Sydney?

This interesting link (below) came out a little while ago, but is still relevant. You might know how this is going to end already since Buymax is a Telstra dealer, but the magnitude of the difference may surprise you. Last year I went on holidays past Cairns to the Atherton Tablelands and people laughed at me for having my phone

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Telstra Dealer

We are extremely pleased to announce that we have been appointed a Telstra dealer. This means that when the new iPhone is actually available we can sell you one…… Also if you have a laptop and work outside (or would like to) we can sell you a usb modem so you can be connected anywhere! Now it’s a pretty popular

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