Faster Internet

Most people are quite happy with the standard ADSL2+ which is available pretty much everywhere in Sydney metro. However recently we’ve been asked by a few clients to turn the internet up to 11, so here’s a few options that you might not know about. You can...

Adam Connor Biography

Adam has over 20 years experience in the Mac and IT industries. He was previously owner at Total Recall Solutions Pty Ltd (TRS), a Professional Markets Apple reseller in North Sydney. TRS was a service oriented business focussing on small business and verticals such...

Service Agreements- Announcing Silver!

Do you have 4 or more Macs? We’ve been servicing customers on a ‘one monthly payment gets you everything’ basis for some time now, and the thing that comes up when talking to prospective clients a lot is this- The customers already on the service...

Apple Stock for Christmas/ Price Reductions!

Late last week Apple quietly snuck out price reductions on their remaining range which is almost unheard of. Typically Apple will only change a products price when a replacement comes out. For example- when the new iMacs were announced, one of the 27″ models...

iPhone Software v3.0

I have one of the original iPhones, imported for me by a customer (thanks Urs!) and it’s been interesting to see the development of the hacking tools that go with the software updates. I tend to update infrequently because of the difficulty- it’s like...