Faster Internet

Most people are quite happy with the standard ADSL2+ which is available pretty much everywhere in Sydney metro. However recently we’ve been asked by a few clients to turn the internet up to 11, so here’s a few options that you might not know about. You can...

Buy More Tech, Pay Less Tax

-this article updated 30 Jan 2012, all links now work and should point to up to date information- It’s end of financial year again, and we have a lot of savvy customers rolling in to buy laptops. Why? 1. Education Tax Rebate. If you have Secondary School aged...

Maintenance List for Summer

As if you don’t spend enough time in front of the computer during the year, here’s a list of a few things you should do regularly to keep everything running as it should. (Here’s a hint- if you don’t fancy doing this stuff, call us and...

Fun Stuff

Here’s a few link to keep you amused for the holidays (oops sorry a bit late now), and we all know that staying inside getting a computer tan is the best way to go in summer, right? Some of these links may have um, edgy content. But we’re all adults. Just...

Plex Media Server

I know a lot of readers are interested in using a Mac as the central repository of media in their homes. I can’t think of a more perfect setup than using a Mac Mini with a Drobo attached to store all of those movies, music and photos. But Front Row, the Apple...

iPhone Software v3.0

I have one of the original iPhones, imported for me by a customer (thanks Urs!) and it’s been interesting to see the development of the hacking tools that go with the software updates. I tend to update infrequently because of the difficulty- it’s like...