Virtualising Servers on a Mac ESXi Host

I’m writing this one because I’ve faced quite a few gotchas, and I’m still not there yet. The basic theory is to take a whole bunch of servers that I currently run and make them into virtual machines that can be moved around and generally make more...

Netgear and VPN Passthrough

I’ve just spent a couple of weeks fighting with a very frustrating problem- setting up VPN passthrough on a Netgear DGND3700v2. This is a reasonably high end device (for Netgear) and actually contains the ability to terminate VPN endpoints. However the built in...

When your Internet Dies

What do you do when your internet connection goes down? Do you sit and twiddle your thumbs until it comes back up? Or do you realise how much it is costing you in lost productivity and yell at people until something is done?   Recently my ISP (who shall remain...

Security- Check your Passwords (Yes, again!)

Passwords should evolve -Until we find something better! I was having a look recently at an interesting article on Ars Technica about how a normal guy with no particular hacking skills was able to break some reasonably complex passwords. It’s scary stuff, and...
WordPress Backups

WordPress Backups

This might seem like a pretty boring subject for a post, but if you spend time on the internet (we all do!) then you may have noticed that the WordPress platform is getting more and more popular. It uses templates for general look and feel, widgets to extend...

Are You Being Attacked by Facebook Zombies?

  I’ve noticed more and more frequently recently that I’m getting friend requests that seem OK at first glance, but don’t stand up to scrutiny.Why? Well, it’s all about marketing, but from the very bottom of the barrel. Anybody wanting to...